Improving thecustomer experience of your e-commerce site

Our service promotes the best customer experience on your site and contributes to many virtuous aspects for your brand.

The e-commerce customer experience is still flawed

With 1 in 4 people preferring to buy online, the e-commerce reflex has become a habit today, and will undoubtedly be the norm tomorrow. But the e-commerce customer experience is still far from perfect!



of customers would like a better support

Your customers don't feel well advised enough, and don't go all the way through the customer journey.



of customers can't find answers to their questions.

FAQs and chatbots aren't enough. Your customers abandon their shopping carts because they can't find answers to their questions.


will never return to your site

Following an incomplete or disappointing experience, customers find their happiness elsewhere on the Internet.

How does Callifly improve the
customer experience on your website?

Our data shows that, quite often, a prospect doesn't buy online because of a lack of support. And yet, the need was there! 

Data Analysis & Qualification

When a shopping cart is abandoned, our tool sends the data back to Cali, our AI agent. Qualification and prioritization are carried out automatically.

Understanding the objection

Cali makes contact by phone and goes to understand the reasons that led to the basket abandonment. 

Support in the funnel

Like a salesperson in a store, AI answers every question and objection, and accompanies the customer through to conversion, making sure to best meet its needs.

After-sales contact point

Cali becomes the customer's contact point for after-sales service, ensuring their questions are answered in time for an optimal experience.

Here's what your customers think about their experience with Callifly

The benefits of Callifly, a unique customer experience

for your brand


Better brand image

Thanks to the Callifly experience, customers can speak freely, express their needs and find solutions. They feel listened to, reassured and supported, which contributes to a positive experience with your brand. More positive reviews, more word-of-mouth, more exposure for your brand!


More sales

Customers who get answers to their questions from an advisor are more likely to convert. Thanks to Callifly, your abandoned baskets are finally activated, and your visitors become loyal customers, who order from you on a regular basis!


More retention

Thanks to Callifly's trusted third party, customers are more reassured because they know they can recommend you with their eyes closed. A satisfied customer means a more loyal customer: your Customer Lifetime Value is increased tenfold!

The brands we work with every day